437: Religion in PIE Feb 18, 2016

There are no written records from the Proto-Indo-European people. Still, linguists can take the enormous similarity between languages, dead or living, and piece together the long-extinct language. This is both a linguistic achievement, as well as an anthropological one. For example, there is a Sanskrit word, 'dyáus-píter' denoting a powerful god, in Greek, there was 'zéu-páter" which was the original name for 'Zeus', and the Romans had a head-god, 'Iu-piter" (Jupiter). All of this suggests that there was a supreme god who's name meant "Sky Father" to the Proto-Indo-European people.
More on PIE tomorrow, and don't forget to submit for this month's challenge.

438: Society in PIE Feb 19, 2016


436: squire Feb 17, 2016