676: saccade Oct 14, 2016

The liberal arts are important for allowing people to study all manners of subjects, and in turn, people more adept in certain academic fields might notice something new things. Generally, biological terms are fairly straight-forward, linguistically speaking, but biology itself influences the way that words (and culture and just about everything else) are created. A 'saccade' is the movement of the eye from one point-of-focus to another from a French word meaning literally ‘violent pull. Eye movements are easier for people to see on other individuals, and especially easy for humans in general whom have white around their cornea, and is a social advantage that we have over other animals, because we can see where others are looking. Generally, very important evolutionary or just bodily features (for people) have single, simple words since they are so common and influential.

677: snob Oct 15, 2016


675: artifice and artifact Oct 13, 2016