1033: -fucking- Oct 7, 2017

Though most of the affixes used in English have been used for centuries, new ones still can appear in speech. It is fairly rare that this happens in comparison to the number of new nouns or verbs created every year, but -fucking- is nevertheless relatively new as an infix. This happens in words like 'abso-fucking-lutely' or 'unbe-fucking-lievable' (or 'un-fucking-believable') for the purpose of emphasis on the original word. The infixes as well are not simply inserted randomly; the '-fucking-' will appear before the stressed syllable of a word; with certain cases, such as with 'unbelievable', the words can be stressed differently from individual to individual though. Words with the stress in the first syllable therefore cannot take this infix, such as 'wonderful' or 'beautiful'.

1034: nugget Oct 8, 2017


1032: Flexible Word Order Oct 6, 2017