1246: How are Sounds Related?: [t] and [k] May 8, 2018

It is hard to judge the two most similar pairs of sounds in English. Looking at the place of articulation for sounds, it could appear that [p]/[b] is a lot closer to [t]/[d] than [k]/[g], with the former two being pronounced at the front of the mouth (lips and teeth respectively) and the latter produced towards the back, but there is a higher frequency of eggcorns produced from confusions over the sounds [t] and [k] than with [p]. This can be evidenced with 'buck naked' being misheard as 'butt naked'.
Make sure to watch the video out tomorrow: What's a word? on the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNofHfYEoM2l7fu2340gsDQ


1247: Parenthetical (Nonrestrictive) Clauses


1245: Phonetics of Loan Words May 7, 2018