1389: Voynich Manuscript Sep 30, 2018

While languages have many exception to any convention or rule, ultimately they are systematic. In the video "How Writing Began", it was discussed that despite all of the many ways writing appears, it is always going to be systematic; only 1 language on earth is known to use some sort of synergy. There is one book however, the Voynich manuscript, that is written in an unknown language that looks to use Latin letters with a few unknown ones as well. No one knows what it says or even what language it would have been from. Many people thought the person who discovered it had fabricated a book, but carbon dating proved it to be real, or at least if it were a scam, the person who discovered it wouldn't have known for sure. The tricky thing about that too is that it is systematic, with endings and other letter-combinations showing up regularly together. Some people have taken this to mean it is its own language, while others believe it is a code, but no language is completely random.


1390: history and story (and Geschichte) OCt 1, 2018


1388: Invaluable and Valuable (LITW 6) Sep 29, 2018