1458: World Record for Vowels Controversy Dec 8, 2018

The world record for the longest English word with only vowels and at once the English word with the most consecutive vowels belongs to 'euouae', but looking any further at this would show the title to be quite controversial. The name actually refers to an abbreviation for variable endings of psalms in Gregorian chants, but this is nevertheless an abbreviation, and while these can act grammatically like a word sometimes, this was never the intention.Moreover, what it abbreviates is 'in saecula saeculorum, Amen' ('unto the ages of ages'), which is Latin, and selects only some of the vowels in not even all of the words, only these ones capitalized: 'in saEcUla saeculOrUm, AmEn'. This therefore means that it is from a Latin phrase an abbreviation—and an odd one at that—from Medieval music that has this world record, so while it might be technically true it is in some ways a bit of a stretch.
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1459: X Dec 9, 2018


1457: Cockney Rhyming Slang pt. 2 Dec 7, 2018