1475: Language Families with Little Relatition Dec 26, 2018

Many names for language families are done more for the sake of simplicity rather than with much scientific precision. For instance,m the Khoisan, Papuan, or Australian language families respectively can have relatively little relation between the languages that make them up. With the Australian languages, these are made up of as many as 28 distinct language families, which includes some language isolates, unrelated to any other language. Often, this is very political however, such as how Khoisan peoples use the term to raise political support and awareness for multiple minority cultures.

Watch more about language families from Word Facts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKhTxYYlal1d1-XhqPh122t6bgaNpI7A


1476: The Most Official Languages Dec 27, 2018


1474: Followup to Types of Utterances Dec 25, 2018