1541: Language and Diversity Mar 3, 2019

Some of the countries with the least racial or cultural diversity have the most ethnic diversity, depending upon how one chooses to look at it. In terms of languages, Pew Research released a figure of the most diverse countries based upon combinations of ethnicity and languages, and the some of the most diverse countries, without a dominant languages or single set of cultural values were found in Africa, like Chad, Nigeria, Togo and the DRC, but also Papua New Guinea and other places with high concentrations of linguistic diversity instead of a mostly dominant language. Argentina and Rwanda (because of the genocide) were some of the least diverse. Ultimately, identity, and group identity, hinges on lots of factors, but no doubt language is a big one.
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1542: Naming a Big Region for a Small One: africa and asia Mar 4, 2019


1540: hazard Mar 2, 2019