1744: 'Blitzkrieg' wasn't used by the Germans Sep 23, 2019

There are lots of new German words that entered English, like 'wanderlust', 'zeitgeist' or 'blitzkrieg', sort of. 'Blitzkrieg' (lightning warfare) comes from the German language, but the word was not used by German military, and it was only used in German propaganda after the Western Allies started using the term. Perhaps the most important reason why this is come down to the fact that it isn't military doctrine, because it is not precise, and many historians today debate whether it should be applied at all. Also, the term that was used as a sort of catchall for a rapid combined arms doctrine was 'Bewegungskrieg', meaning 'mobile warfare'.
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1745: Dominica and Dominical Letters Sep 24, 2019


1743: Europa and Frangistan Sep 22, 2019