1781: Polish and Italian National Anthems Reference the Other Country Oct 30, 2019

Not only does the Italian national anthem mention Poles, but the original name of the Polish national anthem too translates as "Song of the Polish Legions in Italy" ("Pieśń Legionów Polskich we Włoszech"). The latter case has a more obvious relation to Italy as it was written to boost the morale of Polish soldiers fighting in Italy during the French Revolutionary wars, when at that point, no Polish state existed at all. In the Italian anthem, Poles are mentioned alongside other groups who suffered against the Austrians:
"Already the Eagle of Austria (già l'Aquila d'Austria)
"Has lost its plumes. (le penne ha perdute)
"The blood of Italy, (Il sangue d'Italia)
"the Polish blood..." (il sangue Polacco)
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1782: Limits to Nominalizing Verbs


1780: Cot- Word Family Oct 29, 2019