2096: Semitic Roots: Blood, Man, and Earth pt. 2
As discussed yesterday, there is a clear connection between the words for 'man', 'blood', and 'earth' in Semitic languages from the root א-ד-ם (a-d-m). What is less clear, is how this came to be. There are several theories about the order of this; generally it is agreed that 'blood' was the first meaning, but whether that led to 'man' i.e. someone who has blood, or that 'red earth/clay' was first and the meaning of 'man' is more like 'earthling' is the cause of some debate. Another theory is that this started with the word 'idol' as in 'like a man' but also something for which blood sacrifices (were) made; in that case, it has less of a connection to dirt, but would have a greater connection to the other two meanings.
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