2375: Some Country Domain Extensions Jun 19, 2021

Everyone knows .com or .org, but every nation and some territories will have their own domain extensions, some of which do not make sense at first glance. Often this is just from the native language as with Germany's .de (Deutschland), but in the case of South Africa's .za, this is from 'Zuid-Afrika' though now in Afrikaans it is 'Suid-Afrika'. Then there are even more anomalous seeming cases like Western Sahara's .eh. This is actually from Spanish 'Español Sahara' (Spanish Sahara) despite that political period ending in 1975. The H being taken of saHara since Spain itself already uses .es. Others are just from lack of priority, like the French Mayotte having .yt, also sometimes used by YouTube.


2376: boot-camp Jun 20, 2021


2374: nachos Jun 18, 2021