2602: Echo Languages Jan 29, 2022

Latin famously doesn't have a word for 'yes', but this is not unique. Other Goidelic languages don’t have words for either 'yes' or 'no', and just repeat the verb of the question back. This would appear like

"Do you run every day"

"I run" [yes]

These are known as "echo languages". Finnish, and Chinese do this as well, as did Latvian until they got 'ja' from the Germans. Likewise, Romanian had this quality until it got the Slavic affirmative ‘da’. In addition to echoes, Latin would also employ lots of adverbs like 'sic', 'certe' (certainly), 'sane' (healthy), planē (plainly), or for negative responses, 'minime' (least).


2603: Utility of Yea and Nay: 2- & 4-Form Systems Jan 30, 2022


2601: Patric(k) Jan 28, 2022