2821: Umpteen is from Morse Code Sep 10, 2024

The word umpteen—a playful, indefinite number that suggests a large but unknown quantity—has its origins in the slang of Morse code operators. In the early 20th century, telegraphists often used the word ‘umpty’ or just ‘ump’, probably as a mimic of the sound, for the Morse code signal for a dash (–). Over time, ‘umpty’ began to be used as slang for an unspecified number, either in reference to its technically undefined length, or more likely just slang from its being the longer sound. The word ‘umpteen’ later emerged as a playful extension of "umpty," influenced by the suffix ‘-teen’ to sound like a real number but also that it sounds similar.

This usage was well suited to the period’s evolving English slang, which often drew on technological innovations and military jargon during WWI when we see it emerge, with ‘umpty’ peaking in popularity before 1919, and umpteen, which has only become more popular through to today is first found in 1914 before completely overtaking in well under a decade.


2822: Advice and Trees Sep 11, 2024


2820: Laconic Sep 9, 2024