60: S Feb 6, 2015
Most languages that are common today are able to be written. In the
English alphabet, Etruscan, some letters can be written more efficiently
than others, and some letters are taught to be written inefficiently to
children. Most schools and handwriting books teach children to write
the letter 's' and the letter 'f' from top to bottom. This is to be in
accordance with the rule of writing letters top to bottom in cursive.
When writing the letter 's', rather than the common method
of crossing over the empty space for a letter, writing the letter
itself, and then finishing it by now crossing over the letter 's', to
then right the next letter. It is more efficient to write letters left
to write, and in the case of 's', bottom to top, as that is how
sentences and words in English are read. Fight the system, and don't
write these letters as they are taught in school!